Sample - WIP Sample
This sample depends on the following libraries :
Application Description
This WIP sample application initializes the TCP/IP stack, either over
a PPP server, or over GPRS. Its configuration is tuned by customizing
the following defines at the beginning of appli.c:
- OVER_PPP / OVER_GPRS: exactly one of these two macros has
to be defined, to decide which connection mode is selected
In PPP mode:
- PPP_BEARER: name of the physical bearer to use.
- PPP_PASSWORD: password to be given by the PPP client
during authentication (all user ids are accepted).
- PPP_LOCAL_STRADDR: IP address of the module, i.e. the PPP
- PPP_DEST_STRADDR: IP address of the PPP client.
In GPRS mode:
- GPRS_APN: network provider APN.
- GPRS_LOGIN: login name
- GPRS_PASSWORD: password
- GPRS_PINCODE: PIN code of the SIM card, or NULL if no PIN
code is required.
Once the sample is correctly initialized, it provides the following
TCP services:
- Once the stack is initialized, the computer whose address is
defined in HELLO_STRADDR will receive an UDP packet
on it port HELLO_PORT (by default 2020). This allows that
computer to know the module's IP address.
- Clients connecting to port ECHO_PORT (by default 1234)
will be able to send text to the socket; whatever is sent will be
returned uppercased. For instance, if a client sends "HeLlO wOrLd!",
it will receive "HELLO WORLD!" as an answer. Several clients can be
handled simultaneously.
- Clients connecting to port LOG_PORT (by default 2000)
will receive log informations about the sample's activity. Several
logs watchers can be handled simultaneously.
Updated: Fri Sep 8 13:02:12 CEST 2006;